Wednesday 15 November 2006

sup biaches?
can i just say i think elsa is an immaculate, epic, ccCool hero for establishing this. Bringing this nonexistent book club into the twenty first century deserves an award!
Also, I am a semi employed bum now so i tend to read a lot....if everyone could post or comment a couple of their favourite books ever (minus harry potter, lotr and tamora pierce!) it will make my day! looking forward to skidaddling off to the library and letting you know what i think :D
peace out my book loving bruvvers
ps. soph what was that book you told me yesterday that i've forgotten about already?

1 comment:

sophie said...

some books:
the time travellers wife - audrey niffenegger.
the glass palace - amitav ghosh
vile bodies - evelyn waugh
the blessing/love in a cold climate/ the pursuit of love - nancy mitford.